
I’m not sure I can condense all I’ve captured in Barcelona in only one post…

Barcelona was a revelation.

When my husband told me I could join him during his work trip to the Spanish town, I said yes, thinking I could get some street photography, explore, but I never expected the narrow, gorgeous streets where the light hits softly from high up, the medieval roads and buildings, the kindness of the people, the variety, the colours,… I was in awe and I enjoyed every minute of it.

I have to be honesty with you, the first evening I was so out of my comfort zone I almost had a panic attack on my way to getting a pizza (that’s, unfortunately, what happens to me when I’m overwhelmed). My husband had a work dinner that evening, so even though I arrived at the hotel at around 5pm, I didn’t see him until 9.30pm. Had to fend for my own, so I ventured out at dinnertime, but unfortunately with the deserted, dark streets I kinda went into panic mode, stopped at a Lidl right before the restaurant, got myself bread and jamon, and a box of strawberries, ‘cause why not (not in season.. never doing that again!), and quickly walked back into the hotel and put on The Office to get my head straight again.

Yep, that’s me! But no matter: I know I have to give myself space and a bit of time to adjust, so I did and everything was perfect afterwards.

I then booked a walk with a company that offers several on AirBnB, for the following morning, and I was hooked. I actually forced myself not to take the cameraS out (yes: I brought the Canon EOS RP AND the Minolta analogue) during the walk, I didn’t want to get distracted (ADHD hello!), but then re-walked the streets the next morning to get my own take on them. You can see the narrow streets of the Old Town in the gallery.

I also used 1 and 3/4 film the next couple days, but I didn’t send it to develop yet.

Let’s be honest here for a second…

Sagrada Familia? Mmmmh…

I know, I know: he was a genius, he reinvented architecture, bla bla bla… I personally think Gaudy was a bit of a prick, and I’m not completely sold on his style. Mind you I absolutely LOVE modern art and modern architecture, but the Sagrada Familia? I don’t get it. It’s smaller than it looks on the outside, and from the front it looks like he used wet sand to make the towers (like we used to make castles at the beach as kids: with our fists full of wet sand and dripping it to make candle-wax-like columns…). Anyway, I did take a couple pictures, so here:

Impressive? Yes. Not for me? Also yes.

Am I going to be lynched here now? 🙄


Moving on from modernism, I walked around quite a bit (22000 steps on average those days), and got some good architecture shots, that I hope you like. I’ll make a new post soon with all the street photos I took (the ones with humans or curious things I liked), so stay tuned ❤️

If you have strong feelings about Gaudi’s style, or you just wanna tell me that I know nothing about architecture and such, leave a comment.

But please be kind… 🙄


Barcelona/2 - Street Photography


River Tay walk, Perth